Visiting Aubrey De Gray in Moscow! 28 February 2009

Visiting Aubrey De Gray

February 28, a significant event for each Russian immortalista and transgumanista! At the invitation of the fund «Science for the extension of life» in Moscow comes one who at the forefront of fighting against our main enemy, the aging, the one who has developed the only so extensive and comprehensive plan to combat them SENS, the one who publishes the only one in the world academic journal devoted to research anti-aging, the one who pays all of its forces so that we can live indefinitely, the very Aubrey De Gray! This is a unique opportunity to not only see and hear so immortalisticheskuyu monolithic identity, but also communicate directly with them, festering ask your questions or just to say thanks for his contribution to the common cause!


This possibility would be 28 th February at 12:30. Aubrey will make a 2-hour lecture on «Stop Aging: Why and How» in the Central House of Scientists (Moscow, st. Prechistenka, 16). To get on the lecture can anyone entrance is free. This should not be missed! First it will be very interesting and in second the next opportunity to be so close to such a significant figure not fall very soon!

U Aubry very busy schedule. Immediately after the lecture at 16:00 in science cafes scree hail his domestic affairs journalists. Who indeed wants to be among them must be registered by sending a request

On the first day of spring, at 14:00, held a round table on which the British scholar will discuss with our scientists on the various strategies to deal with aging.

And the next day at 16:30, Aubrey pleased his speech on the theme «The impact on the aging process engineering methods», students and faculty of Moscow State University. For information, specifically where a lecture is available by calling (495) 748-69-37.



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